STEMX is starting its long journey! The first listing on the PancakeSwap exchange will take place, followed by other exchanges in October. We are also waiting for a large-scale advertising campaign, and the addition of CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
🔷Date: 31.10.2021 20:00 (GMT+3) Moscow Time.
🔷 Price at the start: 0.0285$
🔷 Initial liquidity: 150,000 BUSD
🔷 Participation of the market maker.
Contract address: 0x26734add0650719ea29087fe5cc0aab81b4f237d
Sale of tokens from the STEMX.ME will be closed on 30.10.2021 at 23:59 Moscow time, after which the tokens will be available for purchase only on the exchange after listing.
What is the goal? We are aiming to set a price above 0.2$ in the 2nd quarter of 2022. The support of each of you will be invaluable to us.
🚀 Let’s start your flight!
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